OpenChain 台灣社群 Meetup #02

OpenChain 協助產業在碰觸或思索開源合規 (Open Source Compliance) 爭議或政策時,有一套流程可以提供參考!

OpenChain 已在 2020/12/16 正式成為 ISO 認證(ISO/IEC 5230:2020),透過導入 OpenChain ISO 標準,供應鏈裡各參與廠商將能清楚了解在哪個開發環節使用哪些自由開源軟體,並進一步釐清發生授權問題的解決方案。

開源軟體在全世界的應用非常廣泛,隨著開源軟體的商業化,複雜的開源授權規定也讓許多商業使用者不知所措,而層出不窮的侵權糾紛,也讓開源合規的議題逐漸受到企業重視。隸屬於 Linux Foundation Project 的 OpenChain 專案透過簡化及標準化開源合規實務,使企業、組織可更為有效滿足開源合規,從而建立產業供應鏈對開源軟體的信任。包含微軟、Google、高通、西門子、Sony 與 Uber 等都已採用OpenChain 進行開源合規管理並通過 OpenChain 認證。

這場工作坊將會介紹 OpenChain 專案,同時也邀請國內外的開源合規專家來分享實務經驗,以及在過程中如何克服遭遇到的困難。若是你正在使用、正要接觸開源軟體,或者是單純想要了解開源軟體,都歡迎你一起加入討論!


= Language 語言 = 

This event will be held mainly in English. Part of the sessions will be delivered in Mandarin. Please see the agenda below for details.



 = Agenda 議程 = 


14:00~14:10|Opening 開場

14:10~15:00|English OpenChain ISO 5230 Open Source Compliance
by Shane Coughlan, OpenChain
This talk will explain how to use OpenChain ISO 5230 in your project or business. ISO 5230 is the international standard for open source compliance. It is a vital part of future procurement and sales.  

15:00~15:50|English (TBD)
by Michael Cheng, Facebook


16:00~16:50|Mandarin / 中文 How to build an AI Platform with reliable open sources
by Thor Chin, inwinSTACK(迎棧科技)
這場演講將分享如何透過 OpenChain 概念選取安全的 Open Source,協助企業透過 Open Source 打造一個自己的 AI 平台。

16:50~17:30|Free time for exchanging opinions

= Speaker / 講者 = 

The following list is in alphabetical order of the last names of speakers. 

Michael Cheng 
Product Manager

Lead the IP, Product and Commercial function on M&A team


Thor Chin

Thor 負責 AI 和邊緣運算產品開發,並參與包括 OpenStack,Ceph,K8S,Akraino 等開源社群,目前 Thor Chin 是 Akraino 的 TSC 成員。從開發人員到架構師,他在雲端運算,網絡(包括 SDN)和存儲(包括 SDS)方面擁有10多年的經驗。


Shane Coughlan
General Manager at OpenChain Project
The Linux Foundation

Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security and business development. His professional accomplishments include spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, establishing the leading professional network of Open Source legal experts and aligning stakeholders to launch both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to Open Source. He currently leads the OpenChain community and serves on various boards.


= Information / 相關資訊 =


◎ OpenChain 台灣社群官網

◎ OpenChain 台灣社群 Telegram

◎ OpenChain Project / OpenChain計畫官網


 = Location / 場地位置 =



 = Contact / 聯絡信箱 = 

若您對於本活動有任何的問題或意見,歡迎透過電子郵件信箱 或直接到 OpenChain telegram 頻道提出。

 = Organizer / 主辦單位 = 


Preventive Measures about COVID-19 / 防疫措施

Please follow the preventive measures about COVID-19. Entering the venue is allowed, only if you wear a mask during the event. If you feel unwell before the event, please cancel your registration, rest at home and contact your doctor.

請您遵循 COVID-19 自我健康管理措施,進入會場請全程戴口罩。若您在活動前有任何身體不適,請自行取消報名、留在家中休息並與您的醫生聯繫。本活動採實名制,請務必填寫姓名與聯絡電話或 email。

迎棧科技 / 新北市板橋區文化路二段285號25樓


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2021/03/19 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費